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DOEDSVANGR interview

Four years after their first album "Satan Ov Suns", DOEDSVANGR release their second offering "Serpents Ov Old" on October 29th. Containing nine crushing, yet melodic compositions, the four musicians fuse the most sinister aspects of the Finnish, the Norwegian, and the French Black Metal tradition.

Doedsadmiral answer some questions that I sent him.

BRZ – Doedsvangr is a multinational band that will release a new album in October. With all the restrictions on travel between countries how did you meet to rehearse and record this new album?

Doesdsadmiral - We didn`t meet and rehearse the album. It was written from our own studios. Nowadays with internet and all, it`s no problem with communication and sending files. And we also recorded in our own studios, and sent all files to BST at his studio, where he put everything together. He also mixed and mastered the album. We will later this year rehearse for the upcoming live shows in 2022.

BRZ - Was this a good time to focus on composing new music, whether for Doedsvangr or any of your other bands?

Doedsadmiral - Yes, in the beginning this whole situation was really demotivating. But it did create time to really focus on writing music. So, for sure. A lot of music has been written now, that maybe wouldn`t be the same if we were touring and playing.

BRZ - You signed this year, a contract with Debemur Morti Productions and this new album "Serpents ov Old" will be released by this label. You also have already concerts scheduled for 2022. How did this contract signing influence that?

Doedsadmiral - Yes, and that was a great pride that Debemur wanted us on their high quality rooster. We have all great respect and admiration for this label, so they were the first to hear the album, and they immediately said yes. To play live was something we decided within the band when BST joined the band. And with the new album, we all 4 agreed that now is the time to take Doedsvangr live. We have a few shows announced, but there are more that will be revealed. We also signed a live-management contract with Flaming Arts Agency.

BRZ - Your band can be considered a super band. Whose idea was it to form this band and what is the initial concept behind this band?

Doedsadmiral - I started the band in 2014, purely to play a different style of black metal than I do with Nordjevel, and Svartelder also. And Anti-Christian and Shatraug joined shortly after only based on the vision I had for this band. And BST joined in 2019. It was never put together to be a super band, but to have people who share the same vision of black metal.

BRZ - The songs on this new album were created based on drum recording only. Since it's not normal for this to happen, can you explain to me why this happen and how did you discuss the concept of this album?

Doedsadmiral - Me and Anti-Christian work on drums and drum patterns. So we set the bar there. And when they are sent to Shatraug and BST, it just comes naturally for them to write the music. That is also why Doedsvangr doesn’t sound similar to our other bands but unique.

BRZ - The album cover is very interesting and seems to have two overlapping paintings. One appears to be a woman with her entrails sticking out and another appears to have a man in pain, raising his arms. Did you give total freedom of creation or did you give some topics for the creation of the image?

Doedsadmiral - Me and Khaos Diktator worked closely on the concept of the artwork on this album. We always had a vision of what it would be, and he did again a fantastic job creating it. The cover is open to many different interpretations, and that is what makes it stand out. Confusing, bleak and dark. Like a ritual.

BRZ - Your music, although being Black Metal, has some melody. Will this melody continue on this new album or have you decided it should sound different?

Doedsadmiral - It has a lot of melody, but maybe a bit different melodies. It`s all very dangerous on the new album. Serious depth, and melodies that are everything but positive. So, they are there in a different way.

BRZ - Some bands think they should create a different album every time they do a new work and others think they shouldn't leave their comfort zone. When creating new music, do you consider any of these ideas or is it unconscious?

Doedsadmiral - Since we write the way we do, we just write what we think is good. I don`t think any of the others either write to sound different or the same. What we feel is good, is what it will be. We first and foremost work and write this music for ourselves.

BRZ - The album will be released in October and you have concert dates set for next year. Don't you think that this temporal distance between release and live shows could be negative for sales or do you think people will accept it well, as it will happen to most bands that are releasing new albums?

Doedsadmiral - I think it will be fine. And fits perfect. When we go on festivals next year, the album has been out a few months, and people know the music. There are also more festivals for 2022, that will be announced later on.

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