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FLUKT Interview

Atualizado: 26 de dez. de 2023

Flukt released the new album "Omen ov Darkness" and it was the reason to ask some questions to the band.

BRS – Hello Asbjørn and thank you for this new interview. I first want to ask about the time that passed between the release of your first album and this new one, given that it was the longest time you spent without releasing anything. Was it just because of the pandemic or were there other reasons?

A.Ø – Hi and thank you for this interview. It is partly because of the pandemic but also, we wanted to take our time to make the best record we were capable of.

BRS - Can you explain me better the meaning of the album title "Omen ov Darkness" and why you chose it as the name of this album?

Flukt – The title reflects the lyrical content in a way. This album is all about various form of darkness. This time around the lyric’s dwells with ancient religious myths, WW2 and self-destructiveness.

BRS - The album's press release states that the album was created as a - "...solid blend of two of the major schools of black metal sound from Scandinavia." Explain me better this statement.

Flukt – Our label Dusktone believe we have strong influences for both raw and primitive Norwegian Black Metal and the more melodic style from Sweden. We definitely have some melodic and dynamic elements in our music, but we think we lean more towards the raw and aggressive end of Black Metal.

BRS - The song titles in the press release are different to the album titles. Is it just a mistake or did you change the names after the press release?

A.Ø – We have not changed the song title. Could be an error in the press release from the label.

BRS - Your influences are more noticeable on this album than on the first album, with the first wave of Norwegian Black Metal being what best corresponds to your sound on this album. Do you agree?

A.Ø – Yeah, I tend to agree. But I think we have some dynamics elements in our music and songwriting as well, which is more modern or maybe not modern, but more Flukt’s way of doing things.

BRS - The sound of this album, despite being quite Raw, presents a very Clean production, with each instruments and lyrics perfectly understood. Was the mastering the difference?

A.Ø – We wanted a raw and dirty sound that is both heavy and crips. We have done some change in the recording of this album compared to our previous recordings. We used a different drumkit for example. The album was mixed and mastered by Audun at Mayhem Music studio. 

BRS - Tracks 4 and 5 have the same title, although with different endings. Are they two parts of the same song or does this have another meaning for you?

A.Ø – The two walls within walls songs are connected both musically and lyrically. 

BRS - Tell me a little about the song "The Idol in Bronze". What are you talking about and who is this Idol?

A.Ø – The Idol in bronze is about the ancient worship of the pagan god Moloch. The religious practice involved human sacrifice and other horrendous stuff.

BRS - Although this band is still a bit young, it is already known in the world, garnering many good opinions. What do you think it's due to?

Flukt – We don’t think we are that known in the scene. But it is always good to have some recognition. Both good and bad pr is great.

BRS - How is the Black Metal scene in Norway after the pandemic? Have some bands stopped playing? Have new ones appeared?

Flukt – The scene up in Norway has not changed that much after the whole covid thing. The only thing we have noticed is that many local clubs and venues struggle to keep the head over the water, so to say. So it is harder to do local gigs. At least for the smaller lesser-known bands.

BRS - I assume that after the release of the new album, you will want to play it live. Do you already have some concert dates scheduled? Do you only play in Norway or have you been invited to go on a more extensive tour?

A.Ø – We will do a release gig for the album in our hometown Kristiansand. We are also working on doing a tour abroad. A Balkan tour to be more specific. In the past we have done mostly concerts in Norway, but we have done a couple of gigs in Denmark and Sweden as well. The pandemic killed of a tour through Germany and Poland that we were supposed to do.

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